Monday, July 26, 2010

My first post

Let's see if I can complete this post in 22 min and 34 seconds. That's all the time I have before I am kicked of the YMCA computers. That is were I work, you see. I am working with the older kids currently, and basically all I do is make sure 14 year olds don't kill each other or anything. I actually only have about two weeks left working here because I school starts soon. YAY.

Hmm. That only took two minutes. I am trying to think of something exciting that happened to me today that I can share. I don't have much because I had to get ready for work, which is in the stinking middle of the day. So I ate breakfast, went to work, and then I will come home and eat dinner.....I guess I shouldn't complain, I did get to sleep in until 10:38. That was really nice.

Anyway, funny story. When I did eventually wake up at 10:38, I went upstairs to eat Capn' Crunch Cereal around 10:41. I had the fantastic looking cereal in the bowl and I couldn't open the new gallon of milk. My reasoning for this is because I just woke up, and really, nobody can do anything when they first wake up. So I struggled for a few seconds trying to twist the cap open with the safety thing around it. Mary, my munchkin nine -year old sister, walked over to watch me struggle. Full of confidence, she informed me that she could open it for me if I couldn't. I gave it to her with a smirk on my face. I assumed she would not be able to open it. Haha...she did open it. And let me tell you, she had the biggest grin on her face that I have ever seen. I tell you, I was tired. Anyway, I shooed her and ate my beautiful Capn' Crunch Cereal in peace.

I have ten minutes left and 35 seconds. I did well. I hope you enjoyed my story.


  1. Lee Ann i loves you and i am so excited that you started to blog here is my blog address by the way you have to have it to add new peeps well anywho...AWESOME AWESOME AWESOM !!!!:)

  2. oops i forgot to give you my blog thing on the last comment but anywho you know me ...i am so never there ... here it is lol :

  3. thanks! and ok! I used to have an old xanga, and I loved blogging then

  4. I love your story lol...and I agree that it's very hard to do things after just waking up. Sounds like you made Mary's day though :)
