Friday, May 6, 2011

Super Summer

Today was my last day of finals and now I can start Summer! I am pretty excited that I have a job lined up and everything!...That is, if my criminal history comes back clean! I think it is safe to say I am hired. I was asked today! This summer looks more positive to me from the "I have a job" perspective.

I will be working at an intense and probably really expensive daycare with a heated in ground pool! That is the best part for sure. This job is right up the Lee Ann alley because they implement awesome things into their curriculum like multiculturalism and music. Oh, and while reading their website, I found that the food they serve the children looks aesthetically beautiful. This is very important apparently. Maybe this will benefit me because I tend to create meals that consist of corn, macaroni and cheese and orange juice in the same meal. Or, oatmeal, toast, and chocolate milk.

Anyway, it is a huge relief for me to have a good job because last summer I spent three long weeks filling out exactly one million and seventy-six applications and only got part time work. I was also a very terrible cash register person. Terrible. It was actually around fifty applications, which, you know isn't that far from my exaggeration.

Also, I am giving my first talk in four years next week. I find it amusing that I have been in the Muncie Stake for 4 years I finally got asked. I think that because it has been so long for me, I am really looking forward to speaking in church.

Well, there you have it!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cranky Post about Snow

So, here I am, up and dressed, ready to teach some awesome elementary music for Valentine's day. But, just like the last 4 times I have tried to go and observe or teach, the stupid snow gets in the way. I mean, I can only be excited about destructive weather for so long. At first, it's pretty exciting and it is nice to have a break. But now, It is sort of a pain to not be able to get in the schools to work on my teaching. I am even wearing grape earrings that my sister Andrea made for me. I figured the fifth graders would like them, especially since they were made by a kid their age. It is sad. So, instead, I will probably practice my flute for a million hours. Or I could watch Lost. It depends how productive I feel.

Also, yesterday, I observed another music class near campus, and I got that happy, excited feeling about when I get to teach music. Like my good friend Adelle likes to say, "Being a music teacher is the most fun job in the entire world!" She is right! However, the process for becoming a music teacher is far from fun. Well, it is fun if you enjoy having a small social life and impossible to pass music history tests. I am almost done though. Two more semesters.

Also, My beloved car died forever. He was a very beautiful car. Very Lee Ann. It is very depressing.