Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Miss Elephant

I can't wait to be a teacher! I love being around kids and I especially like being someone that kids can look up to. Currently, I only get to be around kids a little. I work at the YMCA and two of my specific areas involve working with kids. Although the YMCA is a pretty steady place to work with friendly people, I don't really get to know any of the kids. The older kids come and go as they please, and you know, there is not a whole lot of interaction. But when there is, I really enjoy talking to the kids. There is a 16 year old who is in the middle of her first summer of employment. I get to talk to her about her drivers ed, and share my own driving horror stories in order to cheer her up. She shows up after her shift ends and I know I will miss talking to her. Especially since I don't know if I will be back for even part of the summer. I hope so. I also have a few 12 and 13 year olds that I play Guitar Hero with, and we improve and get more awesomer together. In the beginning of the summer, I was on medium and now I can play some expert! yeah! I also have pillow jumping contests with said goofballs.

I don't work in Child Watch that often, but today I was a sub for a woman from my church. I was talking to a group of kids ranging from ages 3 to maybe 7. One of the kids asked me where I work and I teased him because I was in the middle of working. Then he asked me my name. I told him to read my name tag. He said he didn't know how to read. I didn't believe him because I am terrible at judging what you can do at what age. So he tried to read my name and it came out as "eeele...." something. I asked him if he said elephant. He didn't, but I teased him the rest of my shift and they all called me Miss Elephant. We also pretended to have spider man powers.

I just think that it is really awesome that I am so comfortable with kids, and that I can make them comfortable around me. I can't wait to use this gift that I have when I have a different role and I begin teaching in schools full of kids who need a good role and may not have it at home, or whatever their case may be. If I can't make much of a difference in the lives of my students musically or non-musically, I hope that they can be comfortable talking to me, and that they understand that I care about them.

Anyway, I came back from my lunch break, and I have been hearing children call, "Hi Miss Elephant!" throughout the halls.

And my awesome friend Krissy (Sorry about the spelling if it is wrong) asked me to mention a really great game that everyone should play sometime. It is called Quelf. Check it out.

Lastly, I am driving up to Muncie alone on the 12th. I may need help unloading the boxes in my car that morning if anyone wants to help. Then my mom is coming down on Saturday and we need help moving in all the furniture before band camp starts in the middle of that day. If anyone already in Muncie wants to help, that would be super great!


  1. Oh man, I love you!!! You ARE great with kids! This whole story made me smile. :D

  2. Lee Ann, you will be a wonderful teacher!!! I know that kids lives' will improve just by having you as a role model, and this story proves it! :)


